
How Last Man Standing works


How Last Man Standing works

This is an attempt to cover all aspects of Last Man Standing.

The first thing to note, is, that there have been many versions of LMS over the years. Some clubs do things in slightly different ways. However, we didn’t want this system to become over complicated, and blind your players with science. So, we have fixed the platform to these simple but effective functions.

So with fairness, fun and maximising funds for your fundraising efforts in mind, we have optimized the way in which this Last Man Standing platform works.

In a nut shell, this is how the game plays out.

The “Club or Member Group“, appoint a “Game Manager”.

The Game Manager is tasked with creating the game on this platform.

They will be responsible for the games administration.

There is very little admin to actually handle on a weekly basis, as this is the essense of using this platform. But, nevertheless, there needs to be a point of contact that can be verified for authority rules.

We verify the Game Manager is who they say they are.

Once they create their game page, and first game using the short sign-up form, your Club or Members Game is ready to make public and join.

Joining the game thats been created is simple. Just search for or visit the game page provided by the “Game Manager” and click join.

There you can join as a player, and fund your account. Using your accounts funds, you can join in as many games as you like, whether you know the club or not, and as often as you like.

Your selections in each game, will be clearly visible in your own “Player Dashboard” and the status of those selections will be clear to view, in “Real Time”. When we say real time, we mean your “Chosen teams status, as to whether they are Winning, Drawing or Losing at the time”. The results are reported in real time.

Depending on the choices, chosen by the Game Manager when the game was created, players can pay the entry fee to join the game as many times as they like, to try to increase the chances of winning the “PRIZE POT”, which is clearly stated on the Game Page.

Selections by players, MUST be made before the Friday 6.30pm Deadline for weekends, and Tuesday 6.30pm Deadline for weekday fixtures. MISS THIS DEADLINE AT YOUR PERIL, AS YOU WILL BE AWARDED A RANDOM TEAM

Selections can only be made from the teams and fixtures displayed in your dash. These will decrease as time passes, because you cannot choose a team more than once in any game.


Some games, allow “1st Round Losers” to “Buy Back In” to the game, so that they are still STANDING in round 2, even though they were eliminated in Round 1. This also increases the PRIZE POT amount based on the % setting by the Game Manager. (This is only allowed in the 1st round on this platform)

The rounds play out, and the selections of the players are updated until the final round of the game. In the final throws of the LMS game its likely there are only a handful of players left aiming to win the prize pot. There can be only 2 outcomes in the final round. “One player wins” or “no players win – triggering a ROLLOVER”

If “one player wins” the funds of the prize are automatically paid to that players account balance, if no players win and a rollover is triggered, the Game Restarts, everyone is notified to “Pay and Choose” again, this will increase the “Prize Pot” based on new entries amount, and the new deadline is set.

Should you wish to join a game now, go to your dashboard to login or your existing game page to JOIN. Have fun!